Group of European Pensioners from Savings Banks and Financial Institutions


Non-profit making group established in 1993. Its articles of association were approved by a royal decree on April 8, and were published on the Belgian Moniteur on August 26 1993. It was sanctioned by the Belgian king Baudouin during his holydays in Motril (Spain). Its original name was “Group of European Retired Staff from Saving Banks”; the current name was approved by the General Assembly held in Peñíscola (Spain), on April 26, 2002. The modification of its articles of association also took place during this Assembly, and the changes were registered by the Spanish institutions on November 11, 2002. The main purpose of our Group is the fight for the rights, the dignity and the quality of life of those who have already retired. A large version of its purposes can be found on the Articles of association section of this web page.

We count currently with nearly 60.000 members from eight EU countries (Belgium, Spain, France, Italy, Portugal, United Kingdom, Sweden and Germany). We hold an annual meeting that we have called Euromeeting and that gathers between 500 and 600 people. During this meeting, we enjoy leisure and cultural activities, but we also hold a Board of Directors and a General Assembly. Simultaneous interpreting is assured in five languages. The conclusions we draw from the papers presented by our members on a particular subject are later addressed to the proper national or European authorities. We publish an annual magazine in six languages, with a circulation of nearly 5.000 copies.

Our Group is a full member of the European older people’s platform AGE, whose head office is in Brussels, and, through the Federation of Groups of Retired Staff and Pensioners from Spanish Saving Banks, we work together with the Spanish Confederation of Older People’s Groups (CEOMA).

Management of the Group takes place in Alicante (Spain). We share our facilities with the Association of Retired People from Mediterranean Savings Bank (CAM). This saving bank played a key role in the foundation of this associative movement from retired staff from savings banks, and provides great support and collaboration.