Group of European Pensioners from Savings Banks and Financial Institutions


Index of documents > Euromeetings Magazine > Euromeetings Number 5


We, the 'seniors', who day after day feel the evening of our lives get closer, very fast, should meet periodically to fraternize, talk about our problems, discuss them and try to resolve them.


This is the objective that should be reached in our Euromeetings, where we meet every year, to defend and analyse our plans and worries. But a concrete solution of our problems hardly depends on us, because higher institutions are involved as well.


And we must not show a flag, or call for strikes (a strike is not an alternative for pensioners and retired staff), but we can raise our voices without fear or constraints, because we are fighting for that which is right.


It is necessary to make our words sound louder in order to obtain that which is rightfully ours.


We have truly fought, year after year, we have struggled to raise financial bastions for our successors to have a better life, and we think we have achieved that goal.


But, do not we have the right to achieve something more?


The Management Board of our European Group tries, everyday, to satisfy our 'demands', but they need the support of all of us to reach our goals, because united we stand!


Can we count on you?


Let’s go forward, then, and see you in the next Euromeeting 2001, that will be held in the Isdabe International Residence.



Antonio Sirgado Serra

President of the Board of Directors of ANAC

(Associaçao Nacional dos Aposentados de Caixa Geral de Depósitos)