• The Central European Bank (CEB) is in favor of introducing progressively a complementary system to the state pension system in which the private sector, with a pension fund, will be able to participate. The monetary authorities make a sketch with three pillars which, if put into practice, would «contribute to the sustainability of the public finances», says the CEB in its monthly report from July. The transformation of the system would need a long time to develop. As far as we are concerned, we must be on the alert for any initiative coming from the European Commision.
• Belgium. ASLK- CGER Bank, as a result of the conversion of Caisse Général d’Épargne et Retraite into a bank, has disappeared after being taken over by Fortis Group. It is another example of what happens when a savings bank changes its status for that of a public company.
• Our next Euromeeting will be held in ISDABE (Estepona, Málaga - Spain), 8-15 May 2001). The «Eurogatherings» will be encouraged, supported by a group of interpreterstranslators.
• In the General Assembly held in Platja d’Aro the balance sheet and the result account from the financial year 1999 were approved.
• We are working on the creation of a web page in Internet to inform about the European Group.
• Our next General Assembly will be held in Lisbonon 31 October 2000, and the main topic will be the adaptation of the statutes to our present circumstances.
• Mr José-Roberto López has been appointed Treasurer of the European Group.
• The Association of Retired University Professors took part in the Euromeeting in Platja d’Aro for the first time.