Group of European Pensioners from Savings Banks and Financial Institutions


Index of documents > Euromeetings Magazine > Euromeetings Number 22

The European Group is a common space for reflection and coexistence where every single option of each one of our members is taken into consideration. 

In order to strengthen the structure of our Group we need the active presence of all the Associations from all the countries. Only so we will be able to achieve our goal, which has been for years the defense of the less young citizens who worked to build a solid financial system and to turn it into an engine for the development of our Europe.

For some years now there has been evidence of the need for the Spanish Federation to go back to work on the Euromeeting and to our every-day life.

While we were working on the development of this newsletter and on the preparation of the next Euromeeting in Seville, we continued being in touch with the new direction of the Federation. Thanks to the open spirit of cooperation of its direction we can announce to you with great pleasure that, in an extraordinary meeting of the Spanish Federation held in the symbolic city of Toledo, it was decided that this Federation will return to the European Group. This decision will substantially contribute to the strengthening of the European Group regarding the AGE Platform. 

From here we want to greet the management of all the Associations that make up the Federation and welcome them to a place that was always theirs.

This newsletter “Euromeeting” contains exceptionally twenty pages, due to the fact that we have included the full publication of the writings of two speakers who were invited in the last Euromeetings.

The texts complement each other and offer as a whole a historic vision and perspective concerning topics which make our world and unsafe place, especially for future generations. 

The populism and radical nationalism question remains a current topic. The results of recent elections in several countries point out that “populism” is losing momentum. However, we cannot forget that in some of those countries the positions and the representation of those defending it were reinforced.   

Our generation waves the flag of values such as equality, fraternity and solidarity and has the moral duty of passing it on the next generations and this is what we are trying to do from our European Group.

The direction will do everything necessary to make 2018 a very important year for everybody, keeping up our efforts to reach new countries.

We continue working now with the added joy that comes from the return of our colleagues.