Group of European Pensioners from Savings Banks and Financial Institutions


Index of documents > Reports and communications > Santander 09

  1. We want politicians to become aware of demographic aging in order to allow a permanent adaptation of a multi-age society opened to every generation.
  1. We want the Authorities to take the necessary measures to convince senior citizens not to isolate themselves from socio-political participation in our Societies.
  1. We want the Authorities to improve the image of senior citizens and their ageing process to make the best of our experience and maturity.
  1. We want senior citizens to have the right to participate in socio-political life in an effective way.
  1. We want the political parties to include a minimum number of senior citizens in eligible places of their electoral lists, in order to represent us accordingly with the actual percentage of senior citizens in our societies.
  1. We want senior citizens to be taken into account in European, national, regional and local elections.
  1. We want the ombudsman’s constitution for the elderly citizens rights to be legislated.
  1. We want the Authorities to adopt all measures aiming to prevent our invisibility before the ruling power and thus, in accordance to the population percentage we represent, to let us hold the suitable positions in the social and political organizations where decisions which concern us are made.
  1. We want the age discrimination to be banned in the board of certain public and private organizations, since it holds our access back to the administration boards of different organizations such as: mutual insurance companies, mutual savings banks, pension funds, security funds, or judicial expertise.
  1. We want development programs to be set in motion, aiming an actual and effective equity instead of setting age discrimination up.

It is very important, then, to carry out a “shared citizenship” practically and in every single field, including socio-politics, with a comprehensive and natural approach regarding the elderly.