This year the Meeting had a special
importance because -besides the normal presentations of the balance sheet,
budgets and activities memory- a study of statutes adaptation to the Law 1/2002
and the ratification of the new Federation Treasurer (Mr. Antonio Lozano Agudo)
were done. The VIth CEOMA Congress (Spanish Confederation of Third Age People
Organisations) was also announced. It will be celebrated in October in
Valladolid in order to propose a law to handicapped people.
The increasing importance of some
diseases and obstacles linked to an ageing society will be emphasized. A new law
coming into force in Italy was also discussed. This law has been created to
reduce the public pensions and the possible private complements. Some retired
Associations of that country had a first reaction before the Court. It is really
worrying that some countries Governments such as France, Austria, Belgium and
Germany have already announced a similar initiative.
The Chairwoman, Madam Victoria
Lopesino, stressed the fact that it was very important that all the Associations
worked together, because it is the most powerful method to reach one’s aims. She
encouraged all the representatives to follow the way already set to use modern
media technology, essential to establish the communication in every moment
thanks to the possibilities offered
by INTERNET. She also presented the
legislative and social information given by the Federation to the Associations.
She asserted that she was convinced some improvements could be done thanks to
the fact of having the premises within the Spanish Savings Bank Confederation.
She thanked its Chairman and Managing Director for the help of the National
The President of the European Group
of Retired Staff and Pensioners of Savings Banks, Banks and similar
Institutions, Mr. José R. López Martínez, informed us about the measures taken
by the Italian Federation to defend the retired people rights. The Italian
Federation received an economical aid from the European Group.
The President of the European Group
convened also a monographic meeting (whose title was “From utopia to reality”)
in order to talk about the methods adopted to make a dream come true: a
RESIDENCE for the retired European people. This is a project set many years ago.
Today, it seems that we start to see the first results of that project since
many points concerning it were discussed with a big interest during the 2003
Euromeeting (Majorca). This fact shows the well-done work carried out by small
but praiseworthy group of Spanish friends. In any case, the project could be
finished if the necessary support of the Group members is given.
Besides the work carried out by the
Meeting participants, there were many different ulturalactivities: The President
and the Director of Pawnshops and Savings Bank from Seville received some
distinctions. AJEMSE received a present because of its devotion and efforts
which made this magnificent meeting possible. Mr. Ignacio Yécora and Mr. Manuel
Bodineau and their work colleagues were also thanked. This meeting was closed
with a dinner in which were known the winners of the literary prize. It was
really difficult to choose the winners because of the big quality of every work.
We would like to underline the great enthusiasm of the National Federation
Vice-President, Mr. José Maria Taulé Viñas, whose devotion was essential to make
the developing of these prizes possible.