Group of European Pensioners from Savings Banks and Financial Institutions


Index of documents > Euromeetings Magazine > Euromeetings Number 8

FROM 19th to 21st October 2003 took place the VI Elderly Organisations’ National Congress in Valladolid. The Spanish confederate Bank pensioners’ Federation has become a member of this Organisation. The Congress dwelled on “Social protection and Dependence” and the main reports were: 1) Dependent population. Social-demographic characteristics. 2) Analysis and causes of dependence. Prevention. 3) Dependence evaluation. Levels. 4) Active ageing. 5) Social and familiar aspects of dependence. Cares. Intergenerational aspects. 6) Services to dependent people. 7) Public and private spending for dependence. Current and future Fin financing. 8) City model and methodology. 9) Quality. Centres and services. Education. 10) Legal protection for old dependent people. 11) Dependance protection within EU. 12) Plans and legislation in the Spanish autonomous regions. 13) Basis for a state term to protect dependence.

Our Spanish colleague set out the problem number 11.