Group of European Pensioners from Savings Banks and Financial Institutions


Index of documents > Euromeetings Magazine > Euromeetings Number 10

THE National Federation of France’s Savings Banks Retired Staff held their National Assembly on the 14th, 15th and 16th of October 2004.

During two days, 300 delegates representing 19 Federal Regions discussed about the situation involving the Retired Staff on the Groupe Caisse d’Épargne (Savings Bank), Third financial group in France...

The four most worrying subjects were:

1. Pensions with

• Continuity of the supplementary system started with the restructuring of French Savings Banks, regime financed by the Group according to the rules required in negotiations and periodical agreements and set out the balance problem in the long term.

• Widow’s pension threatened by a governmental reform.

2. Health protection, by means of the renegotiation, in 2006, of a contract that until that date counts with the intergenerational solidarity between the working and the retired population who don’t back up a modification nor a suppression of this contract.

3. The complementary help for health and the threats falling on mutualities, taking into account the incidences in the Social Security’s reform in France and the effects caused in the management of mutualities, and also affecting the complementary organizations working in order to protect health services, on what has to do with balance and the relationship quotation/allowance


4. The 12 million retired population must be recognised and enable them to be present and participate when all the decisions affecting them are taken.


The debates about these four issues offered the possibility to exchange opinions with the Directors and the President of the General Retirement Bank and the National Mutuality, participating in the National Assembly.

Delegates also talked about the future of the Savings Banks Group by means of a three-year corporate plan presented by Nicolás Mérindol, member of the National Savings Banks Group’s governing board.

Finally, the President José Roberto López talked about the Group’s evolution and perspectives, mentioning the reestructuration to take place in the 2005 Euromeeting in Islantilla. The President Francis Bizard and the General Secretary Jean Clause Chrétien, and Jean Vauriot, gave their support for this project to President López. In the final resolution motion, delegates expressed their intention of continue with the European Group when referring to build a Europe where the social area is a priority.


Saturday was a relaxing day for delegates and their companions. A cohabitation day in the beautiful Normandy that has been so praised by poets. A region full of historic landscapes, specially the one referring to the landing of the allied troops on the beaches.