Group of European Pensioners from Savings Banks and Financial Institutions


Index of documents > Euromeetings Magazine > Euromeetings Number 9


From the 16th to the 19th of April 2004 the 14th General Assembly of the National Federation of Associations belonging to Confederate Savings Banks’ Retired Staff was held in Salou (Tarragona). The Assembly took place on the 17th in the Vil·la Romana Hotel’s meeting rooms. The Federation’s VicePresident, Mr. Taulé, who read a letter written by the  President, Victoria Lopesino, where she explained her absence because she was going to go through a chirurgical operation, carried out the official opening. We can happily say that everything went well and that, actually, the President is back to work like always. Those who attended approved the minutes of proceedings belonging to the Ordinary and the Extraordinary Assembly held on the 16 th of June 2003 in Seville. At the same time, the economic results belonging to 2003 and the increment of the federal fee, from 1.80 Euros to 2 Euros a year per each member. The creation of a quarterly bulletin as a link between all the Associations. Once the Assembly ended all those who attended were given a copy of the new Federation’s Statues, that have been approved by the Home Ministry, in order  to give way to the ludic and cultural part of the programme with outings to: Deltebre, Pueblo Español, Montjuich and the Sagrada Familia, that were enjoyed by all the  Assembly Members and those who accompanied them.