Group of European Pensioners from Savings Banks and Financial Institutions


Index of documents > Reports and communications > Salou '04


Agrupación Europea de Jubilados y Pensionistas

de Cajas de Ahorros, Bancos e Instituciones Afines

(Asociación sin ánimo de lucro – CIF:  G53731964)




Our group has clearly established in its statutes that we are a non-profit organization, created in order to fight for the elderlies’ rights and dignity, to watch over their moral and economic interests and contribute and promote the creation of regional, national and international retired staff, pensioners and early-retired associations.


An important base to fight for our rights is to dispose of all the information affecting our position of retired staff and to know, as soon as possible, any law bid willing to be introduced in no matter what country in the European Union, in order to make as much pressure as possible.


Through the European Platform AGE, in their monthly reports, we get to know about the directives pronounced in the European Union and that each country must apply. But, in my opinion, we also must know about the law bids of our countries and interchange the information with all the associations belonging to our Group.


It has been said many times that “information is power”, and we must interchange information between us, not because we want power, but because we want to be able to fight for the rights and dignity of us, the elderly people, who have, during our work life, contributed so much to our company, to the society in which we have developed ourselves and, definitively, to our country.


Our Group must be an important communication channel between all of us. Up to know the Group sends information to the Federations, basically the one we get from AGE and that we have managed to have in four languages, besides the information of all our Euromeetings, the Assemblies’ announcements, some concrete reports like the one about pensions, and the magazine we edit once a year. The information goes from the Group to the Federations, and we think they make it arrive to their respective associations. Or, at least, that is what they should do in everyone’s benefit. This table represents the current situation of the data circulation.





This is our current situation and, in my opinion, we must modify it because information should also circulate between the National Federations and between the Associations without a National Federation. The following table shows the way we would like the data to circulate.



Logically the language problem exists, which can be mostly solved by our group of translators-interpreters. The Horizontal Communication System would work as follows: any Federation having an important subject to communicate, would send it to the Group; our translators would write them out into the other languages, and we would resend them to the other Federations and the other Associations without a Federation.


The following table shows the Horizontal Communication System’s functioning.



If we want all this to work, we consider that it is important, though not essential, to dispose of a computer and an e-mail address. And all this will work if we all agree on the information’s importance, and if we name someone in charge of transmitting and receiving the information and make them reach the rest of the Associations.


                                                                                        José Roberto López Martínez.