Group of European Pensioners from Savings Banks and Financial Institutions


Index of documents > Euromeetings Magazine > Euromeetings Number 4

THE work which I have carried out to obtain information from the European Savings Banks about the situation of retired people has give me material and enough reason to be able to make comparisons. Between different countries there are very different situations, there are situations of economic and social calm which do not give rise to the setting up of associations. If these associations are established, there are no conflicts in the field of social security for retired people. There are also situations which, on the contrary, are classed as the development of a continuous and evident conflict.


In this context we must also make it clear that, in some cases, there is a dialogue between the companies and the associations, dialogue which is made real with moral organizational and also financial support.


These considerations which are of a general nature convince me of the need to reinforce our organization as far as possible, with the aim to obtain the recognition of its existence, both at national and European level. This means continuous contribution of ideas, supporting any ideas raised, and a continuous search for new companions, moreover a constant dialogue with similar organizations of other categories. This of course, means an effort which requires the dedication of everybody so as to be able to become known.


Our European Group cannot survive based merely on annual meetings. Our activity must seek the active participation of everybody all year long. 'Group' is not only a name-behind, it must be the dedication of everybody.


The situation of retired people and the social security, although different in every country, presents common aspects nowadays due to what is referred to national policies which tend to revise the supposed 'welfare state'. This requires special attention to the groups on a national level and reinforces the need of a common program and the search for support from the European Union. To this end, the Italian Federation has started collaborating with a organisation in Brussels: 'EURO CONSULT'. This entity not only keeps us informed about the latest news related to the subjects of our interest, but also guarantees representation before the European Community, and if necessary can exercise 'lobbying' (pressure) in favour of our activities and aid the solution of our problems. This, of course, brings a series of expenses, however, it is one more way to advance our proposals.


Finally, everything I have mentioned demonstrates what, according to the opinion of my Italian colleagues and also my opinion, is the main problem: the recognition of the Associations and Federations, both National and European, as legitimate representatives of retired people, having the right to participate in all negotiation which affect the life and rights of elderly people.



Franco Salza

Chairman of Associazione Pensionati della Cassa di Risparmio di Torino

and Federazione Pensionati del Credito.